Implementing Open-Source XML-Based Content Management for the Antislavery Literature Project

Seed Grant Semester Awarded
Seed Grant Award Year

To prepare for re-submission of an NEH summer seminar grant proposal, this project will employ a graduate research assistant to work on a newly-upgraded Antislavery Literature Project website that employs Plone-based database-driven electronic publishing via the English Service (Iowa State University).  Plone is an open-source software system that facilitates collaborative, simple-to-use, form-based web publishing via a relational database and XML/HTML meta-tagging.

Visit the project web page to see their activities: (

"Slavery & Antislavery: A New Research and Teaching Workshop" will be held on October 13, 2006.  See calendar of events for program and additional details.

Principal Investigator(s)
Joe Lockard, English
Chouki el-Hamel, History
Michael Stancliff, ASU West