The Embryo Project

Seed Grant Semester Awarded
Seed Grant Award Year

The Embryo Project is an interdisciplinary research project focused on the history of embryo research in its scientific, intellectual, technical, institutional, social, political, religious, and economical contexts. It analyzes based six major historical episodes, each of which brought about a new concept of the embryo as a scientific and "public” object.

For additional details see the Embryo Project web page.

Congratulations to the Embryo Project team.  Their project, "Understanding Agents of Scientific Change: the Case of Embryo Research," under the direction of Jane Maienschein, Daniel R. Sarewitz, Gary Marchant, and Manfred Laubichler has been funded by NSF.

Principal Investigator(s)
Manfred Laubichler, Center for Biology and Society, School of Life Sciences
Jane Maienschein, Center for Biology and Society, School of Life Sciences