Gendering Psychopathology and Contagion

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Research Cluster Academic Year
Research Cluster Project Director(s)
Breanne Fahs, Women and Gender Studies, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Annika Mann, English, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Sarah Stage, Women and Gender Studies, History, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences

As the Jenny Norton 2014-15 IHR Research Cluster we will plan and implement a research symposium next year on "Gendering Psychopathology and Contagion."  This will be an inclusive, transdisciplinary examination on the complicated topics of madness, contagion, pathology, and the gendered aspects of "disorders."  The symposium will be a springboard to working on an edited collection based on the work presented at ASU West campus.  This event is currently scheduled for Friday, October 23, 2015 and will include researchers both within and outside of the ASU community, including undergraduates, graduate students, staff, junior faculty, and senior faculty from a range of disciplines and backgrounds including, most prominently, Women and Gender Studies, English, History, Psychology, American Studies, Ethnic Studies, Religious Studies, Social Justice, Philosophy, Sociology, and Sexuality Studies.  The event is designed to challenge traditional academic hierarchies in the production, circulation, and dissemination of knowledges; we will actively support work from a variety of backgrounds and entry points and will work diligently to recruit community members to attend the event.