HI Fellows: frequently asked questions

Why has the Fellows program changed?

We took feedback from the ASU community and HI stakeholders. From their feedback, we learned that faculty now more than ever need time and resources to work on their writing projects. To accommodate this need, the research funding amount awarded has been lowered to $1000 to provide enrollment in the NCFDD Faculty Success Program.

How has the criteria changed for applicants?

The review committee will reference the review criteria listed on the application. This program is the first of our funding programs to be anonymously reviewed, by a panel of ASU humanities scholars.

One of the criteria is that the applicant have a “demonstrated record of engaged scholarship in the humanities.” What is “engaged scholarship in the humanities”?

Consider how you have demonstrated a record of “engaged scholarship in the humanities” by asking yourself questions such as these: What is your record of humanities work, and what are the humanities methodologies in your work? How are you engaging with the scholarly humanities communities that you are a part of? If you are proposing to work on a project with disciplinary areas new to you, can you show some level of engagement with that discipline?

What are you looking for in a work plan/timeline?

There is no maximum amount of words or required template for this section of the application. What we are looking for is a work plan or timeline with specific dates, including your direct outcomes during the fellowship period and any outcomes you hope to have after the fellowship period. In completing this section, it can be helpful to look at your milestones/deliverables and consider what should be documented to capture the purpose of your project. Outline how any tasks mentioned in the project narrative will be completed throughout the fellowship.

The application asks for a “list of fellowships, grants and/or other funding that will be sought over the course of the fellowship or within one (1) year after the fellowship term.” Should my list of external funding be focused specifically on funding related to this project?

The HI Fellows program works to empower awardees to apply for external funding to accelerate projects catalyzed and sustained during a HI Fellows year. Typically, the external funding should build off of or continue your fellowship work. We also acknowledge ideas develop into new projects, and we are happy to support those efforts as projects develop and evolve.

Is there a list of resources to identify humanities external funding opportunities?

If you would like help identifying a specific opportunity or focusing your research for a specific category of funding, you can visit with our Research Advancement Administrator Sr., Courtney Berg.

In the past, HI was interested in interdisciplinarity in potential fellowship projects. Is that still a focus of this new program?

Interdisciplinarity is still a focus of HI, however, it is not part of the review criteria for this fellowship program. Therefore, it will not give you an advantage or disadvantage to have interdisciplinary research.

Can you tell me more about what the writing groups/cohorts will look like?

Writing groups will be developed around the NCFDD Faculty Success Program structure. Cohorts will be groups of 2-3 people that work together for at least one semester. The HI is relying on this first group of fellows in the new program to adjust this part of the program as needed throughout the fellowship term. For all fellowship cohorts, HI leadership will attend cohort meetings, as needed. Fellows have access to workshop opportunities, and they get priority registration for book and proposal reviews and other professional development that becomes available through HI.

Will the cohorts be divided between senior and junior faculty?

This is not currently a part of the application process or cohort division process. However, we will ensure that both assistant and associate-level humanities faculty are evaluated fairly based on the quality of their work. We will also continue to review and revise this fellowship program in subsequent years.

Are assistant and associate-level faculty competing against each other in consideration for this fellowship?

We do not currently have the resources to create separate programs for senior and junior faculty. We are, however, working with the Division of Humanities to provide resources to both audiences within the same program at this time. We will work to ensure research fellowships are divided among tenured and tenured-track faculty.

What does it mean for my project narrative/description and work plan to be “sufficiently developed”?

We are looking for project descriptions that are connected to the proposed outcomes, and that those outcomes are explicitly defined. Where possible, link methodology to defined outcomes. Consider asking yourself questions such as: What am I trying to do? What are my proposed outcomes? How is it all connected?

Can you review my draft application?

Yes, we can provide 20-minute consultations. We just request that we receive your draft at least two days before the consultation date, if possible. Contact us at ihr@asu.edu to schedule a consultation.

What will the committee review?

The committee will have access to the entire application packet, but they will first review the project narrative to determine the merit of the project itself.

How can I describe my project in a succinct form? How do I boil it down to the project narrative 600-word limit?

It can be difficult to describe your project and scholarship within the 600-word limit. Include what outcomes you will produce, such as a book, an article, multiple articles, etc. Think of this description as an elevator pitch, or what you would want people to know within the limited word count. 

Remember that this is a fellowship application and not a book proposal. While you can describe your project (or book project), the project description for the fellowship should include what you are doing during the fellowship period. Keep in mind that the review committee will be a group of humanities scholars who may or may not be familiar with your specific discipline. Explain and teach the reviewers about how your scholarship is compelling and how the fellowship will further your scholarship and research trajectory and how it will advance your career.